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 The Way of the Heathen: Books Exposed ( 21 items - 4 pages)

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Added: 7/6/2011  |  Hits: 1700

Most people believe the new versions are just "harmless" updating of words and made easier to understand.
Nothing could be further from the Truth!

The new versions "take out" and "add" thousands of words. And as with Eve (see Genesis 3:1), it s all done very subtil.

The average reader would never know the difference!

Added: 7/6/2011  |  Hits: 8360

The following table lists 300 verses that have been changed in the seven most popular versions.

The New King James Version Exposed!
Added: 7/6/2011  |  Hits: 1840

coun ter feit \'kaunt-er-fit\: to imitate or copy closely
especially with intent to deceive.

The greatest method of deception is to counterfeit.
And the master of counterfeit and deception is Satan.

American Standard Version Exposed!
Added: 7/6/2011  |  Hits: 1722

I am writing this web page simply to warn you about the ASV bible, it has serious problems! I am going to share with you some of my observations about the American Standard Version of the Bible.

Which Bible verses did the NIV delete?
Added: 7/6/2011  |  Hits: 1173

The New International Version deletes over 64,000 words including words like: Godhead, regeneration, mercyseat, Calvary, remission, Jehovah, immutable, omnipotent, Comforter, Holy Ghost, Messiah, quickened, infallible, et cetera. Most of the modern Bibles line up very closely with the NIV--and so does the New World Translation--the Bible of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult!

NIV Teen Study Bible Exposed!
Added: 7/6/2011  |  Hits: 1621

While the NIV Teen Study Bible Scripturally explains many subjects and provides teens with some helpful insights for their teenage world, the Teen Study Bible also contains some very disturbing information. It is especially disturbing in light of the impressionable and often confused teenage mind.

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