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 False Religions: Free Masonry ( 11 items - 2 pages)

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Catholic Freemasonry
Added: 8/4/2014  |  Hits: 1605

Since the Papal Bull In Eminenti issued by Clement XII in 1738 Roman Catholics have, in theory at least, been prohibited from becoming Freemasons. Subsequent bulls have extended the ban to Masonically inspired bodies like the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. At times however Papal prohibitions have proved difficult to enforce...

Christ or the Lodge? A Report on Freemasonry
Added: 5/7/2013  |  Hits: 2057

Here is a well laid out report by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Even though I cannot agree with many of their teachings, they too can agree masonry is not compatible with Christianity. They point out that it is indeed another religion.

Masonic Art....... evil isn't it¿
Added: 3/30/2013  |  Hits: 10716

Here is a small collection of masonic art work, to give you an idea of what it is they love to gaze at and hide 1000s of meanings or lies woven into.

Masonic Trinity
Added: 3/29/2013  |  Hits: 2513

So do you believe that satan is the father of all lies and counterfeits? In other pagan religions there is a trinity, guess who else has their very own copy from hell.....

Freemasonry explained
Added: 3/28/2013  |  Hits: 3176

Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity -- an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect ... it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate and yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible.....

So lets have a peak then....

Added: 3/29/2013  |  Hits: 3928

While many Masons know about the Masonic affiliation of Brother George Washington, thirteen other Presidents have also been Masons. These fourteen Masonic Presidents span the history of the United States from George Washington to Gerald Ford. February and Presidents’ Day offers the opportunity for Masons to recognize the contributions of these Brothers to their country.

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