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 False Religions: Seventh-Day Adventists ( 3 items - 1 page)

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Seventh Day Adventist Cult
Added: 8/15/2011  |  Hits: 1876

If these folks' only peculiarity was that they met on Saturday to worship, we would have very little to worry about. But, they teach that Sunday worship is the Mark of the Beast, and Sunday worshipers, they teach, are Satan worshipers. They may deny this, but as long as they keep quoting Ellen G White, they must have this vulgar heresy stuffed right back down their throats until they repent.

Seventh Day Adventist Lies
Added: 8/15/2011  |  Hits: 1958

The pentagram or pentacle is probably the best known and used of all occult symbols and is considered to be the most potent means of conjuring benevolent spirits.

SDAs Teach Jesus is the Archangel Michael
Added: 7/23/2011  |  Hits: 1895

Most Christians are amazed to learn that SDA teaches that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, but Ellen G. White said He was Michael, so if they changed this, they'd need to reject her as "the spirit of prophecy" and they'd not be the remnant church!

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 The woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment
(Hits: 276)

The Bible commands that this account of the woman doing all that she could be made a memorial, I feel ashamed it's taken me years to bring this up, but read what Jesus said concerning her and her faith.

 There is a Fountain Filled With Blood
(Hits: 445)

There is a fountain filled with blood
drawn from Emmanuel's veins;
and sinners plunged beneath that flood
lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their guilty stains,
lose all their guilty stains;
and sinners plunged beneath that flood
lose all their guilty stains.

 James Strong's CONcordance Deception
(Hits: 515)

One of the most dangerous of false prophets in churches today is Dr. James Strong (1822-1894).
James Strong (1822-1894), author of Strong’s Concordance, has been elevated to the position of fourth member of the Trinity by many. His corrupt Greek and Hebrew definitions pepper today’s preaching, as if his lexicon was the final and 67th book of the Bible.

 ESV - English Standard Version Exposed as the Evil satanic Version BEWARE
(Hits: 715)

The ESV's preface and introduction state that the ESV captures the precise wording of the "original text". That is a flat out lie because no one has the "originals" today. What we have today is around 6,000 pieces of copies of the Greek New Testament with most differing from each other. The ESV committee members are dishonest and handle the precious words of God deceitfully.

 Glory-land Way
(Hits: 625)

I’m in the glory-land way;
I’m in the glory-land way;
Heaven is nearer, and the way groweth clearer,
For I’m in the glory-land way.

 Keep on the Firing Line
(Hits: 607)

Oh, you must fight, be brave against all evil,
Never run, nor even lag behind;
If you would win for God and the right,
Just keep on the firing line.

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