Date Added: 10/10/2024 Viewed: 190 times
I wanna, wanna, wanna, wanna, wanna, wanna, really wanna be just like the Lord! So every day I'm gonna gonna read the Book and rest upon-a God's own Holy Word! Of good in me, there's none-a, none-a, that's okay because I'm gonna Trust upon the work, He's done-a on the cross And Jesus is the one-a one-a, God the Father and the Son-a, Son-a And my sin He cured. Many, many, many, many, many, many, very many times within His word He said that any any any time I pray and seek Him That he'll see that I am heard! I know that when-y when He said that any any any time I stop and pray to him he planned to keep His Wordy and He really really meant, He meant to keep his promise and He has my heart assured. He has my heart assured. He has my heart assured.