Date Added: 3/29/2013 Updated: 20130505064106 Viewed: 2502 times
Masonry like nearly all other religions is based upon a symbolic foundation. The true religion, or salvation was designed, created and carried out by the triune God—God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,—three in one. Masonry, a false religion, also has a trinity. Ancient idolatry had its trinities, and modern idolatry has its trinities. Satan, the arch-counterfeiter, is the father of all lies as well as false systems of worship. Now in order to deceive people, and especially an intelligent people, his device, or plan, or counterfeit must be built likewise, so as to appear genuine. A counterfeit dollar is the more dangerous the more nearly it resembles the real, because it is the more likely to deceive. Every one understands, or rather is aware that God is known as a triune being; recognizes himself as such. God the Father is represented as strength, as a rock. Isa. 17: 10; Psa. 24:8; Job 9:19. God the Son is represented as the Savior. Matt. 1:21. A mediator. I Tim. 2:5; Heb. 8:6. The true light. Jno. 1:4,9, etc. God the Holy Ghost. represented as wisdom, or the source of wisdom. Jno. 14:26. As inspiring scripture. 2 Tim. 3:16. As directing the world or gospel of God, as to where it should be preached. Acts 16:6,7,10. How it should be preached. I Cor. 2:4. Reveals what the gospel is. I Cor. 2:12. These three are here set forth in their offices in the true system. References will be found to many of the above scriptures that will enable the reader to push investigation as much further as he likes. The above will give the offices of each in a general way sufficient to see the illustration to follow.
Masonry in a way acknowledges what it calls the Grand Architect of the Universe; but prefers to symbolize him by three persons, whom we now proceed to investigate.
First, the symbolic structure of Masonry is supported by three symbolic pillars; namely, wisdom, strength, and beauty. These three pillars are in Masonic terms, Solomon, representing in the Masonic trinity the pillar of wisdom. Hiram, king of Tyre, representing the pillar of strength, and Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, representing the pillar of beauty. Here we have the Masonic foundation. Their trinity upon which Satan builds one of his most cunning, if not his most cunning and elaborate counterfeit of God's divinity, and God's plan of salvation.
The offices of Solomon as wisdom, and Hiram as strength, i. e., counterfeits of the Holy Ghost, and of the Father, can be readily seen from the above. The Masonic lectures clear up that matter wonderfully. The question here arises: Who was Hiram Abiff? If he is a symbol of the Son, how does it appear that he is known as the pillar of beauty, or one of the trinity. Christ in the trinity is our example. I Jno. 1:26. Hiram Abiff is the standard of true Masonry, and all Masons are instructed to pattern after him. (See Masonic Lectures.) Being assured that if they do so they will gain an entrance into "The Grand lodge" that Masons tell us is above, where the lecture tells us the Grand Architect presides, etc., etc. Hiram Abiff then is the Masonic mediator, even as Christ is the Christian mediator. Christ suffered for the sins of the world in order to complete the Father's plan. Hiram Abiff, (see Legend of the Temple Builders) was put to death by fellow crafts because he would not comply with their demands, and break his word, and so violate his compact with Solomon and Hiram of Tyre in reference to the Master's Word," which was the most important secret or tie of Masonry, and held by those three alone at that time. This word, had it been revealed, would have destroyed the foundation of Masonry and the plan of its "alleged" founders. Hence Masonry according to their Masonic fable was preserved by the faithfulness of Hiram Abiff, who preferred death to the giving up to the temptation to purchase life by the violation of his oath. This is simply a condensed account of Hiram Abiff to show his part or place in the Masonic trinity.
Turn now to the scripture and we find that when man sinned the Trinity had a plan for man's salvation. The Son was ordained as the sacrifice, who should put on the body of flesh, and come among men and suffer death as a man, in order that the plan of salvation might be carried out. He was tempted in all points as we are, yet he maintained his integrity, and at the cost of his life carried out the work God assigned him, so that salvation was realized.
In the Masonic plan we find two wonderful men, kings Solomon and Hiram; one strong and one wise. Solomon, to whom David gave the plan of the temple, being the author, gave the designing into the hands of Hiram Abiff, who drew the designs for the work on his trestle board for the workmen to copy after and work by.
So Christ was among men, and by his life and work among men, gave them a design, or pattern by which to build a spiritual house.
We recognize readily by the Bible that the building of the temple was a type of the spiritual house, or temple of God, "which temple ye are." And as there was no sound of hammer or tool of iron when it went up, so should the temple of God be built to day. The word and Spirit reveal that fact clearly. Solomon in building the temple represented wisdom, or the Holy Ghost himself acting as a type of the Holy Ghost workman in the building to be built in the heavens. Hiram as furnishing workmen, timber, etc., and fetching them from different points represents the strength of the Father considered separate from the others for the sake of illustration.
Hiram, the workman and designer drew patterns as God showed him, and while there with them directed the work until his "alleged" death, which of course Masons have no Bible foundation for. The only places where Hiram, or Huram the Architect is mentioned being in 2 Chron., 4th chapter, and I Kings 7th chapter, and those have reference only to his nativity, his world and its quality. So as nothing more was said of him, Satan filled the hearts of Masonic founders to take this man and make a savior out of him.
The Masonic story of Hiram Abiff then is a fable, continued by Satan to mock the word of God. "The Legend of the Temple Builders" is acted out in full while conferring the latter part of the third, or Master Mason's degree. The candidate is assaulted and the "word" is demanded of him (which as yet he has not received); he is then at the third assault struck on the head by a stuffed club called a setting maul, and symbolically killed. Then after a number of maneuvers he is buried on Mt. Moriah. He is missed, and after a long search his grave is found. Then comes the most damnable piece of mockery that Satan and the councils damned to hell could invent. A mock resurrection follows, and by the aid of Solomon and Hiram of Tyre he is raised from the dead by a grip known as the "Strong grip of the Lion of the tribe of Judah." Satan's counterfeit is complete, and devils rejoice every time they see a poor blind candidate put through the mockery of coming from darkness to "Masonic" light. And yet men who profess to not only follow Christ, but preach his gospel also, support, countenance, attend, and recommend the institution to their sons and their friends.
The "Legend of Hiram Abiff the Temple Builder" is copied from the legend of Osiris the Egyptian deity, and so closely resembles it as to prove the one to be copied from the other. Mackey says a great deal about "ancient mysteries," Egyptian rites, and also speaks of Osiris and others; and by following up his works, notes etc., "Pierson's Traditions," and "Morris' Dictionary" we are able to trace Masonry to right where it originated, i. e., in ancient Baal or sun worship. See Ezek. 8th chapter and especially 16th verse. Ezekiel clearly saw ancient Masonry in that vision. Tammuz, spoken of in verse 14, has reference to Adonis, another person, whose, history corresponds to that of Hiram and Osiris. Sun worship it clearly is, worked over to make what Dr. Oliver proudly calls "A universal religion." Dr. Oliver is a noted English Masonic writer and historian. He says, "To Christianize Masonry by praying to or through Christ would sink it from its sublime position as a universal religion to the level of a sect." There is a "learned Masonic" opinion of Christ. What do you think of it? No Christ there, is there? One Mason of my acquaintance, who at the time of which I speak had been a member of this order only a few months, said to me, "There is a god in Masonry, but no Christ." He had learned that in a few months, and yet said that he was a follower of Christ.
Beloved, how can these things be? All Masons know the truth of this matter.
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